Friday, October 4, 2013

Surviving Seattle

I've titled this post "Surviving Seattle." So you're now thinking, "Ouch, is it really that bad?" Well....

Okay, no :)

But, it's a long story...

Here goes. The place STINKS!!!!!!!!! Not literally, but really, is there anything to recommend a sullen, soggy, moldy, congested, spider infested, pay for parking, horrible traffic, expensive groceries, anti-children area? No.

Well, maybe there the beautiful glowing city at night, or the view of the water from the park, or the fact that everything is green, and when the sun does come out, it's absolutely beautiful...

Can you tell I have mixed feelings? I came to Seattle fully aware of all the horror stories, but DETERMINED to like it because I am stuck here for 3 years. Turns out I like it okay, but I left my heart in Spokane. Yes, Spokane. I get chills just thinking of Spokane haha. But we will live to see (and maybe stay) in Spokane another day. Right now, I am in Seattle, and I am coping by looking for cheap flights home to Utah for the holidays.

The people are...different. But not all of them. Truthfully, there are a WHOLE LOT of cranky people here, but after not seeing the sun for years, hey, I can't blame them. Emma loves waving at anyone that passes by as we are walking, and here in Seattle, only about 1 in 20 people even acknowledge her! And 1 in 50 will wave back. Boy, those are pretty dismal statistics. Why is everyone so incredibly unfriendly? Sure she's my baby and I think she is the cutest thing ever, but come on, who wouldn't be glad to have an adorable child wave at them? It would make my day.

Oh, and it took us an hour and a half to make the 20 minute drive to the temple on a UW game day. WORST traffic experience ever!

Okay, ready for something more chipper? My ward and my apartment community (yes, I said community) are AWESOME! Nate and I were very blessed to get into UW Family Housing the week before school started. This was nothing short of a miracle because it's very competitive getting in. Rent is about $400 cheaper here than most other apartments close by, and we are RIGHT on the bike trial that gets Nate to school in less that 10 minutes (driving is IMPOSSIBLE in this area). Plus, BIG BONUS, I feel safe here! It's hard to describe, but the way they've designed the apartment complex feels enclosed, secluded, and safe. I love that we will be getting our own washer and dryer in our apartment this weekend, and Emma loves that there is endless fun waiting for her in the playground that is literally in our backyard (not always so fun for mom haha). Oh yeah, and there are free Zumba classes here two nights a week with some pretty awesome women. That MAKES my week, and has probably kept me sane.

Emma and I love playgroup here :)
Emma's heaven :)
Our apartment:
I'm pretty proud of Emma's room (how did I get everything to fit?)

Emma LOVES this!

Love these huge closets!

Also love the huge glass sliding door,
which is always covered in Emma fingerprints :)
I love peeking at Emma eating in her high chair while I'm in the kitchen :)
No pictures of our room cause it's a mess and not cute yet haha :)

The ward is full of fun, young couples and then lots of old couples too. Not many in between, but I kinda like it. Everyone is friendly. I already have visiting teaching assignments! We've gone to a ward camp out, a ward service activity (in the rain of course) and three Sundays and we feel pretty much like we belong (although I still feel a tad awkward because I always do in new places).

Emma at the ward camp out :)

Nate wanted it to look like he was floating haha :)
Do you ever have a feeling of dread? I've been having dread softly spoken to me lately. How? I've heard at least 100 times that the second year of dental school is THE WORST thing ever. This has come from everyone, including wives of 3rd year dental students. Yikes! It's only been a week and it's already rough. Nate leaves between 7-8 am and usually gets home between 6-7 pm. Okay, maybe that's survivable, but we don't have a dishwasher...and Nate has too much homework to help clean up after dinner...I think I'm probably going to break down and buy a dishwasher or I may wear out from exhaustion (or dry hands). So far, it hasn't been deadly tough, but I'm waiting for the hard part to hit.

Alright, now you get to hear about the funny coincidence that is our next door neighbors. Turns out they are not only LDS, and they moved in the same time that we did, but they ALSO have a little girl that is just a couple of months younger than Emma. They are already best pals! Everyday Emma escapes through the back door and runs over to knock on their back window. She would love to live at their house haha :) Everyone in the ward keeps telling Kate (the neighbor) and I that we look alike (we are the same height and brunettes). I will be surprised when they finally get us straight. I feel bad for the people we visit teach (turns out we are also visiting teaching companions), they'll be extremely confused haha. Anyways, Kate is already an awesome neighbor and friend. She babysat Emma and brought me dinner when I was sick this week (I had a freak 104 degree fever)! I couldn't have asked for a better neighbor. Hopefully we'll help each other stay sane through the rainy winters. The only bad thing about these neighbors is that they went to the U. Haha but we'll keep em ;)

Emma and Tessa enjoying the last day of summer :)

Other exciting things:

Emma is so interesting these days. She is starting to interact on a much higher level than before. I can tell that she is understanding a lot more of what I say because she actually obeys! Well, sometimes :) She is really good at stopping whatever she is doing when I say "uh-oh", though sometimes she still looks at me and then goes ahead and does it anyway haha :) But for the most part she listens and does what I ask her to do. She is a MILLION times messier than before (how is this possible?), but luckily we can limit the mess to one part of the house because we have a townhouse layout. She is getting pickier about foods. Her favorites? Swedish fish, fruit snacks, cheese, peas, and pretzels. Boy, aren't we healthy! I do force her to eat other things but she begs for these things if she ever catches a glimpse of them. She can be VERY demanding. As soon as I open the curtain on the back window, she is banging on it till I take her out to the playground. This makes rainy days hard. When I finally do take her out, she quickly bores of the playground and runs away and explores everything she can. Silly girl!

She found the fruit snack box, and she knows what's inside!
Rainy day
Can't put them together yet, but that doesn't stop her from loving her puzzles.
I have to say, "In your face!" to the guy at Home Depot who told me nothing would grow at this time of year! Pessimistic jerk! Here are my beets and chard in my mini backyard garden :)

Last week

This week :)

I can't wait till we can eat them! :)
Well, so far our new adventure has been pretty fun. We're excited! Wish us luck (we need it)!


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