Monday, March 11, 2013

Baby Mania

My best friend Brianna, Emma and I :)
Well, our world got turned upside down about a month ago. Why? Emma started crawling at only 5 1/2 months old! It's been a constant whirlwind of chasing her down and separating her from whatever dangerous object she's found since. And boy it's been fun! Among the list of dangerous things she can't seem to resist are the power strip, the printer, any cord, the trash, the toilet, the recycle bin, the dishwasher, the bookshelves, dvds, the entertainment center, chairs, plastic bags, paper, and my personal favorite, the shelves on the changing table. I've just about given up on keeping the living room clean since she tears it apart everyday, and, don't tell anyone, but I don't think there's a square inch of carpet in there that she hasn't managed to spit up on. Good thing were moving this summer!
Me teaching Emma to crawl :)
Emma climbs everything she can get a grip on!
Emma watching my workout video :)
Playing with the DVDs...everyday!!
Nate caught Emma eating a pear that she found in the trash!
More climbing :)
Emma ate the Ensigns!!!!
Practicing her yoga :)
As for keeping her from hurting herself, I mostly just keep anything sharp up high and I've blocked off all the cords under the computer desk. Then I let her roam to her heart's content. It seems to be working well so far. Except when she pulls herself to standing on a chair or couch and then proceeds to let go, allowing herself to fall limply in any direction. Most of the time she's unharmed, but when she does cry I encourage her to get back up and say, "You're okay." After which she is once again chipper as can be. She's also wised up a bit and is learning to land on her bum instead of her head.

Emma helping Nate unload the dishwasher :)

Emma watching Nate BBQ on the deck :)
I think I am relieved that she seems to be able to entertain herself all day. The only time she demands my presence is when she wants to fall asleep (sleep training is still an ongoing process for us, but after months of struggling to get Emma to fall asleep at a reasonable hour, I finally gave in and tried the cry-it-out method. She fell asleep after an hour of crying and slept through the night! So this time I have hope that it will work, and I won't give up! One day she will fall asleep with no crying at all!) or when she is hungry. Speaking of hungry, she loves baby food! She's mastered the art of eating from a spoon, although it's debatable whether more food gets in her mouth or on her face. She eats anything I feed her, but I think her favorite food is bananas. One of the cutest things I've ever seen was Emma's face the first time she had to strain to poop. So adorable!

You can see how well coaxing her to sleep was working...
This is her putting up a fight lol :) After this we took down the bassinet for fear she might climb right out!
Well eventually she falls asleep...
She also likes eating my hair now...weird! Lol :)
Emma's messy face after dinner one night :)

Emma eating :)

We had a great Valentine's this year. If you want to know what I begged for from Nate, you'll have to ask him. Oh nevermind I'll tell you! A love note and some hand weights (I always go for the practical gift since we don't have a ton of money). He threw in some sour gummy worms and hydrangeas :) I got him See's chocolate of course and a poem. But the real present for ourselves was a date night out without the nina. We had a blast! A couple of hours alone after 6 months of constant baby company can do wonders! :)

Emma and I made a trip down to Utah in February. I think Emma had a blast. She certainly is fond of my parents and siblings, especially my dad, but it seems to me that she likes just about anyone. She's a genuinely friendly and happy baby. An angel if you ask me ;) She learned to wave "Bye-bye" while we were there because grandma and grandpa would always come to say goodnight and eventually she started waving at them!
On the train to Provo :)
Breakfast with my friends Allie, Megan, Susan and Aubrey :)
Emma gets spoiled at grandma and grandpa's house :)
Aunt Kylie feeding Emma gummy worms :)
While in Utah I got to see Brianna, my best friend who I hadn't seen for 18 months while she was in Alabama on a mission. It was so fun to see her again! I also got to visit with some friends from college and Emma's aunt Shanie and uncle Kyle. We had a blast, but we were just as excited to get back home to Nate. Emma squealed and giggled in delight for a whole minute when she saw Nate again. I don't think I've seen anything cuter (have I said that before? Well everything she does is cute).

Emma crawling and waving :)

It was kind of a miracle that we got to go to Utah. I was looking at flights and the prices got more and more ridiculous every day! Just as I was having a very mature adult fit (I may be exaggerating a bit about the mature part), someone sweeped in to save the day. My cousin, Ginny, who I hadn't seen in something like 15 years, told me she would be travelling from her home in Northern Idaho to Utah around the same time I needed to get there, and she could take me! Ginny you are awesome! :) Anyways, my prayers were definitely answered and now I feel silly that I ever threw a fit in the first place. Turns out the Lord really did care about my wish to go, and he had a way of working things out that I never would've guessed! :)

As for how we're doing, Nate's classes are starting to pick up. We've both been sick on and off for what seems like all winter, but the couple of days of sunshine we've had this week are giving me hope that spring is just around the corner! I'm starting to feel like I might actually be getting through to my primary class, and I'm finally back to pre-pregnancy weight. So no serious complaints here :) As for Emma, she's as content as can be :) In fact, we watched the whole BBC version of Pride and Prejudice and I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, Emma or me :)
