So if you didn't know, the blog disappears once you have a second child....
Okay, maybe not completely, but finding time to sit at this computer took serious work! But here I am, and all I can think about is the people of Alma, who were in bondage and experiencing heavy affliction, but were strengthened so their burdens seemed light. Here's what the Lord promised them:
And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.
-Mosiah 24: 14
It's been about four months since Nate was diagnosed with diabetes. Ironically, his disease has seemed like a cinch compared to a few other stressful things we've been going through. In other, more grateful words, Nate is alive and he's living really well, even playing intramural football twice a week! He's awesome at taking care of himself and is still in the honeymoon phase. Other than the extra five minutes Nate needs to check his blood and give himself a shot before meals, and the few hours a month he spends at doctor visits or in the pharmacy, we haven't yet felt this affliction to be too heavy upon our backs. I know the Lord has made our burdens feel light. Now here's to hoping He'll help us find life insurance for under a million dollars a year...
I was desperate this summer for a family vacation - just us - so in September I dragged us all out to the Olympic Peninsula (the tippy-top of Washington). I pushed my poor family near to their breaking points, and we had a blast. Honestly, I needed this trip to SPITE his diabetes more than anything else. We will still live our dreams - in the Lord's time and way - we just have to have hope and keep moving. Here's a run down of our trip:
Camping on beautiful Lake Crescent. The water is so clear and the lake is filled with fallen logs. |
Figuring out how to untie her hiking boots. |
Hike to Sol Duc Falls |
Staying warm while daddy whips up some freeze-dried meals that were surprisingly tasty. |
The kids slept really well in the tent both nights! |
Good morning :) |
James was rolling at this point and escaping from the blanket was his game of choice. |
Helping daddy build a fire :) |
Ferry ride |
Hiking in the amazing Hoh Rainforest. Despite the drought, it was very lush and gorgeous. |
After the first hike, Emma had had it! James liked riding on my back, though. |
Eating lunch on Hurricane ridge, which is an amazing view of both the mountain region and wildlife. |
That trip was the highlight of my summer! The most memorable day was when I dragged Nate and the kids on a three mile hike along Rialto beach. It was the end of the day, and we'd already hiked in the Hoh Rain forest that morning. We were running to see the tide pools before the tide came in. It was the most exhausting, yet exciting (and Nate would sat torturous) experiences! We saw some fun things in the tide pools, but the best part was the REAL LIVE OTTER was came across. He was fishing in the ocean. How amazing it that? Otters are my favorite animal, so it was totally worth it for me! Maybe not so much for Nate dragging around the thirty pound Emma and getting low blood sugar.
Tide Pools |
Hole in the Wall |
Rialto Beach |
On our way home, we stopped in Forks for burgers. They totally had a Bella burger (Twilight if you're lost) and I did not order it! But I do have to admit that La Push was BEAUTIFUL. Here's Second Beach:
Anyway, on the drive home I gave Nate a lecture about pushing forward even when things are hard so that you can reach those awesome memories. He rolled his eyes, and the next day rewarded me with this:
Obstruction Point Road is not often traveled for a reason. I thought we were going to fall of the cliff and DIE! But Nate said we had to keep going because you can't give up too easily (I ate my own words!). Anyway, I'm glad we didn't give up because the view was worth the heart attack (more like heart attacks).
I feel impressed that it would help me a lot to remember more of the blessings that have kept us going these last few months, instead of focusing on the trials. When I take a step back, those annoying things in life don't seem quite so bad. So here goes:
My kids are an unending joy! They keep growing and changing and I truly and honestly love who they are!
I'm so proud of James for developing into a mobile, active, fun, sunshiny, bouncing boy! Here's a look at him since the last time I wrote:
Hello! I'm rolling all over the place and getting into things! If you ask me to sit up I will for a minute, then I'll tumble because my head is too heavy! I love love love my bouncer and watching my big sis play! |
Holding hands - Best pals! |
I love my daddy! |
Hello! I'm sitting up well now and starting to pull myself around the house by any means necessary! I won't touch baby food or anything mushy, so don't even try it! I'll eat if I can feed myself, though. I'm a big, independent boy following after my sis. |
I still love the Ergo! |
But I love daddy's shoulders more! |
She trapped me in here! |

Happy birthday mom!
Hi! I'm army crawling like crazy now! I'm really good at shifting between sitting and crawling, but I don't want to get up on my knees yet. I love cheerios and pears, but don't give me bananas! My favorite toys make lots of noise! |
Mmmm that's good! |
And messy! Even better! |
I never stop moving! I'm a wiggle worm1 |
Can't we go outside? |
Hi there! I've expanded my repertoire of crawling to include both a regular crawl and a bear crawl! I love to eat now, my favorite foods are carrots and sliced grapes. I love exploring the whole house looking for trouble. I pull myself up and walk along things. I'm happy and chipper and love to be tickled! The only thing I don't like is being hauled around the house by my big sis, but I endure it if I'm in a good mood. I just learned to clap, too, and I say "dadadada" all day long! |
Yes! Wood chips!
I haven't forgotten Emma Marie! She is a spunky delight! Don't get me wrong, she'll tell you what she thinks, and it isn't always nice, but underneath her three year old tantrums is a beautiful, good-hearted passionate girl who I know can change the world (she's already changed mine!).
Look at that face! So much joy! |
My princess! Everyday, all day, PRINCESS! |
Happy birthday mom! |
Emma turned three in August. All her friends came dressed up as princesses to her birthday party. What fun! |
We celebrated Emma's birthday by letting her play in dirt and then taking her out for "pink ice cream" at Baskin Robins.

She loves her grandmas!
Emma and Tessa - Best friends at the slip n slide! |
Maybe one day she'll be a daddy's girl :) |
Mom, Anna braids! Anna braids! |
Playing dress up with baby bro! |
Emma has had the chance to participate in Joy School once a week. I am also homeschooling her. She LOVES learning. She actually begs me to do school everyday! |
Friends at school: Tessa, McKinley, Penny, Leila, and Logan |
She's developed a new love of crafts. This is her mismatched animal face :) |
After one amazing day at ballet, Emma couldn't stand to go back. That's alright. We'll try something new! |
Crashing James' photo shoot. Such spunk! |
I'm so grateful to be a mom. I remember people talking about how hard being a mom was. I think I'm just coming to understand what they meant. It's not just sleepless nights, it's having every moment of your day consumed by someone else's needs. That's hard, but it's important. I was reading an old journal, and I had written that something I wanted to be before I died was selfless. I think motherhood is helping me get there. I won't be perfect, but my kids don't need perfect. They need a happy mom that loves them, and that much I can do.
Another blessing is we've been able to spend a lot of time with both sides of the family this year, which is always a healing balm to my soul. I know how important feeling like you belong and knowing you are loved is, and I think I've finally reached that place in my life where I feel content with my relationships. Naturally, I had to grow up a lot first, but I'm glad everyone has been patient with me.
Here's some of the fun things we've done:
My family came to Seattle in July and we went to Vancouver, BC! My first time in Canada and I was not disappointed! It was beautiful! But most importantly, I was sooooooo excited for my family to finally make it out to see me up here in the Northwest!
Favorite Aunties! |
Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC |
Amazing waterfall hike we happened upon while driving. |
My sisters' first ferry ride. I'm not sure they were impressed... |
Lighthouse view |

Huge trees! The boys were awe struck! |
Eating at a fancy restaurant on the water. |
Love my family! |
Nate's grandparents came up, so we all went to the Oregon Coast. I finally made it to Cannon Beach, and Emma can never get enough of the sand!
During Nate's break (maybe his last summer break EVER! At least from school), we went on our trip to the Olympic Peninsula, then we headed over to Spokane to see our new niece. Afterwards we went to Utah to see my family. Lucky for us, our kids are awesome car travelers!
My favorite park ever! Manito Park in Spokane :) |
My crazy fun in-laws! |
Uncle Nicko with the kids! |
My niece Kaitlyn! |
While we were in Utah with my family, we went to the BYU vs. Boise State game. What a game!!!!!!!! My parents and my Aunt Angie, Uncle Ron, and cousin Kaitana from Idaho came, and we had a blast!
I love my grandpa! |
Future quarterback! |
Go BYU! |
Happy alumni :) |
Nate's brother, Nick, friend,Ethan, and best pal from
Walla Walla, Squire all made it to the game. |
So now we're back in school, and this is Nate's final quarter here in Seattle. We'll be moving back to Spokane so he can begin working at the Lake Spokane clinic in January. For the time being, though, we've got some fun things going on here. Nate's sister, Shanie and her family have moved into our apartment complex, so we get to be neighbors for a few months! So far it's been loads of fun. Cousins playing, watching BYU games together, trading babysitting. It rocks!
Cousins! |
We've also been blessed with great friends and lots of fun here in Seattle. We will miss it here a lot!
Trip to the Farm! |
I'll try not to take four months to post again....Sorry about the novel.
Speaking of novel, NanaWrimo just started! I'm doing a re-write of my first novel, The Quarter. I've discovered that writing is one of my talents. Using it, however, is trickier than I had thought. Wish me luck!
Here's a synopsis of The Quarter:
Eden Price has never told a lie in her eighteen years of life, yet she has somehow managed to hide a perilous truth from those closest to her. Her secret: a presence that has occupied Eden’s mind for as long as she can remember, sharing thoughts and ideas that Eden knows are not her own. One day, the thoughts escalate into a voice, and soon Eden finds herself kidnapped by a handsome stranger and brought face to face with life at the secret military compound, the Quarter, where she learns that she is a transmuter – a person with inexplicable abilities. Threatened by a corrupted Commander, Eden is forced to become a soldier and learn how to use her transmuter abilities despite her determination to return home. Caught in a web of lies, Eden gradually discovers that she is the key in the Commander’s strategy to defeat the Enemy. The caveat: it is not Eden's strength that will make her the Quarter's hero, but her goodness - if she can only find the courage to make the necessary sacrifice. Most surprising of all, the truth behind the presence that has always been a part of her will change Eden forever, and convince her to do what for her is unthinkable.
THE QUARTER is the tale of a young woman’s realistic struggle to be herself in a world void of compassion, and her road to discovering the courage to do the right thing in a place where everything is gray.