Nate and I have had a great Fall! We just had our 7 month anniversary, and the roller coaster of marriage is still rolling on :) It's gone by so fast, yet somehow it feels like we have always been married. Just think! In less than 7 months from now, both Nate and I will be done with school at BYU! Then it will be off to new and more exciting adventures doing who knows what at who knows where. Crazy right!?
In the last couple of months, Nate and I have had a lot of firsts in our married life.
Our first BYU Football Season together.
All bundled up |
Go BYU!!!! The season started off pretty rough, but they turned things around :) |
Weekend football games make for good dates :) After the game we would ride our bikes over to Coldstone to get some ice cream :) |
Nate loves football! He'd rather be on the field than on the sidelines lol :) |
The Bushmans came with us to the Homecoming Game |
Our first camping trip together.
We went up above Squaw Peak. Gorgeous view! |
Shanie (Nate's sister) and her husband, Kyle, came with us :) |
Nate's happy because we made smores the night before :) |
Our first trip to Vegas together.
While lost in one of the casinos, Nate made a new friend :) |
I love gazebos!!! Or anything that resembles them lol :) |
My favorite place was Caesar's palace :) I loved all the awesome statues (I'm kinda an art history nerd). |
I tried to catch the Mirage sign in the background. |
We wanted to ride on the gondolas, but it was a bit pricy... Maybe next time :) |
If you're wondering why two sweet and innocent people like us went to Vegas, it was for one of Nate's dental school interviews ;) |
Our first General Conference together.
We decided to start a tradition for Conference: Hashbrowns! |
Our first Halloween together.
Captain America! (If you know Nate, this character totally fits him!) |
Can you guess who I am? Yup, his girl ;) |
We went bowling with Shanie and Kyle. We got 2nd place in the costume contest, and they got third! (I think Nate and Shanie get their excitement for costumes from their mom). |
Our first time having a brother open a mission call.
Nate's brother, Nick, got called to Houston, TX. |
Mom and Dad on skype :) |
The whole crew :) |
Our first Ultimate Frisbee season together.
Nate LOVES frisbee! So I played on their team so they would have enough players :) We won a game or two lol :) |
There were a few more firsts. Our first nights apart (Nate interviewed in Washington and Arizona, and I stayed home). Our first time babysitting together. The first time we both did horribly bad on exams and had to cheer each other up. Our first Thanksgiving together, which we spent at my dad's mom's house in Idaho. Our first time Christmas shopping on Black Friday together (he did such a great job picking out my presents!). Our first package from Nate's mom as a married couple (Chocolate and Christmas decorations). Our first attempt to help each other get back in shape. The first time I made lasagna since we've been married lol :) And the list goes on and on.
Another first for me has been the realization that there is no such thing as, "And they lived happily ever after." Don't get me wrong, we're plenty happy, but happiness doesn't just magically come because we found each other. We've got a whole lifetime ahead of us of working towards our goals and working to help each other become the people we want to be. We can't just "live" happily, which to me implies that there is little effort involved. We will "work" happily today and all the way through our "ever after." And what a wonderful adventure that will be! :)